Bionic Woman Wiki
Played By: Chris Bowers

Will Anthros was Jaime Sommers' boyfriend, and the head surgeon for the Berkut Group. He was the son of Berkut Group founder Anthony Anthros.

He became Sommers' fiancé after they'd dated for about five months, subsequent to her announcement that she had become pregnant. Their unborn child was lost following a major car accident.

He appeared to have violated Berkut's internal policies by initiating a bionic replacement of Sommer's damaged body parts without consulting the other leaders of the group. Following the operation, he again took pre-emptive action by helping Jaime escape the Berkut underground facility.

Anthros was declared dead in late 2007, consequent to gunshot wounds received from Sarah Corvus. His funeral was attended by several dozen mourners, including Jonas Bledsoe and Jaime and Becca Sommers.

After the funeral, Jaime discovered a Berkut file he had started about her in 2005, about two years prior to the beginning of their romantic relationship — and long before she believed they had met. The object of the file was to examine her as a potential candidate for bionic replacement.

Commonality with original Bionic series[]

Although Anthros has many unique qualities, he occupies the narrative space of two characters from the mythos of The Bionic Woman (1976). Like Rudy Wells, he is the sympathetic surgeon who actually performs bionic replacements. His emotional decision to use millions of dollars worth of equipment to save his girlfriend is, however, more reminiscent of Steve Austin's influence in the OSI.

NBC promotional biography[]

Some elements of the following biography may not have support from episodes as broadcast. Its canonicity is therefore unclear.


"William Maretta Anthros was born in the winter of '76 in Danville, CA to Anthony and Helen Anthros. At the time of Will's birth, his father was a highly respected Biochemical Engineer, and his mother was a Supervising Registered Nurse. Most of Will's early childhood was spent moving from school to school due to his father's work. It was this lack of social stability and no real sense of home that led Will to gravitate towards academics, an area in which he shone brightly. Throughout grade school, Will excelled in all of his classes, but leaned towards math and sciences.

By Will's 13th birthday, his father, Dr. Anthros, received a grant through the U.S. Military to research and develop more sophisticated prosthetic limbs for soldiers injured in the Gulf War, which he hoped would then benefit the general public years down the line. Dr. Anthros' job planted the Anthros family in one place for the first time since Will was born, and as a result, his confidence blossomed. Throughout high school, Will held various positions in Student Government, and participated in several extra-curricular activities including the Model UN, Honor Society, and Track and Field, where he set school records in Pole Vault and 1000m.

Upon graduating as Salutatorian of his high school class, Will was accepted to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he studied Chemical Engineering and Medicine. After completing his undergraduate studies, Will continued his studies at Harvard/MIT's prestigious School of Medicine. Throughout this time, he continued to participate in Student Government and found himself organizing protests against various injustices as well as helping gather aid for the refugees of the Kosovo conflict. He wrote his thesis on "Ethics in American Medicine and Its Effect on Global Healthcare".

In 2004, at the age of 27, Will graduated from medical school and accepted a university teaching position. While lecturing a class on Bio/Environmental Ethics in Spring 2007, Will would meet his future girlfriend Jaime Sommers.

Will was brought on board as Head Surgeon at the Berkut Group to help after his father's sudden departure. He was able to decode his father's research journals and convinced the senior officials to let him continue research and development in the Bionics program on a limited scale, and with strict guidelines against human experimentation. He has been successfully captaining the Bionics program for three years now without incident.