Bionic Woman Wiki
Bionic Woman Wiki

An intermediate level of Jaime's bionic ear.

The bionic ear is a bionic replacement part of unclear provenance. It might have been developed by Will and Anthony Anthros. However, dialgoue in "Paradise Lost" suggests that Nathan may have been its principal developer, working off Anthros-inspired theories that comprise the focus of the Berkut Group's work. Certainly, Nathan is at least the scientist responsible for carrying out practical research and maintenance of the device, as implanted in Jaime Sommers.

Jaime is the only known recipient of a bionic ear. Sarah Corvus' stated desire to increase the number of her bionic implants, however, suggests that she may receive one in the future.


Bionic hearing is known to allow a bionic patient to isolate conversations from 2 miles away. ("Paradise Lost") Unless controlled, it is also a profoundly disorienting sensation, which can create nausea in the patient. ("Second Chances")

Commonality with the original series[]

The effective range of Michelle Ryan's ear does not substantially differ from that of Lindsay Wagner's. The original bionic woman had an effective range of about a mile.

At the latter stages of sequences which give a detailed examination of the use of the bionic ear in the 2007 series, a sound can be heard in the background which closely resembles the sound associated with Steve Austin's bionic eye. ("Paradise Lost")

Bionic Enhancements
arm | leg | ear | eye | chest | anthrocite | streaming optical interface | GPS tracker