The bionic chest is a replacement part apparently not directly devised by employees of the Berkut Group. It may have been designed by Sarah Corvus herself, the only known possessor of the device. ("Second Chances")
The precise capabilities of the bionic chest are unknown, although it can be safely assumed it provides better protection of the heart.
Commonality with original Bionic series[]
The closest analogue to the bionic chest is with Michael Austin — who is said to have bionic ribs and a bionic spine (Return of the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman) — as well as Kate Mason and Alan Devlin, who have had virtually complete bionic body replacements. (Bionic Showdown)
In the original source material, Cyborg, there is a reference to the fact that Steve Austin had vitallium-reinforced ribs, but this was not touched upon in the series proper, nor did it carry over into the 1976 Bionic Woman series.