Bionic Woman Wiki

An anthrocite is a molecular machine introduced into the bloodstream of a patient fitted with replacement bionics. It replaces human blood cells. Normally referred to in the plural, anthrocites comprise one-eighth of Jaime Sommers' blood cells.


As the link between the patient's bionic and organic systems, they are necessary to bionic replacement. Their principle role is to help the body counteract rejection of the replacement part. ("Face Off") They also repair other defects in the subject's body, allowing for extremely rapid healing. Sarah Corvus has claimed they are powerful enough to cure cancer, making smoking a risk-free activity for bionic patients. ("Second Chances")

Anthrocites are the key difference between Jaime and Sarah's bionic systems. The ones in Sarah were based on designs by Anthony Anthros, with post-operative changes implemented by Will Anthros. The ones in Jaime were "next generation" devices designed by Will in reponse to difficulties encountered by Sarah. Sarah believed Jaime's more advanced anthrocites were the key to increasing her lifespan and returning order to her more chaotic bionic system. ("Sisterhood")


Because they are the precise opposite of an antibody, it is possible for anthrocites to attempt to integrate inappropriate foreign bodies into a patient's biology. Bullets, for instance, must be removed promptly because the anthrocites might try to incorporate the metal into organs.

Over time, anthrocites become "fatigued" and eventually stop functioning. When they stop working, the patient dies. Jaime's anthrocites are rated at up to five years, meaning that she will die around 2012 unless a way to improve them can be found. ("Face Off"). Sarah's apparently were rated to work for between 3 and 4 years, judging by her statement in "Sisterhood" that she has only a year to live.

Commonality with original Bionic series[]

Anthrocites have no direct analogue within the original mythos. However, the closest similarity was seen in the television movie Bionic Showdown in which bionic implants are placed in the body and mean to work with its biological make-up.


  • Their name ostensibly derives from their creators, Anthony and Will Anthros. However, it could also come from the Greek root word, anthropo-, suggesting that they help to make bionics more human.
Bionic Enhancements
arm | leg | ear | eye | chest | anthrocite | streaming optical interface | GPS tracker