Bionic Woman Wiki
Anne Corvus
Full Name: Anne Corvus
Gender: Female
Status: Deceased
Portrayer(s): Elise Gatien

Anne Corvus was the younger sister of Sarah Corvus. She was killed in a car crash during her youth which probably could have been avoided had Sarah been driving safely. She was likely in her late teens or early twenties at the time of her death. The fact that both she and her sister were drinking while the car was in motion suggests that alcohol was a factor in the fatal accident.

This accident closely resembled the one Sarah would later inflict upon Will Anthros, which inadvertently resulted in Jaime Sommers' bionic operation and the unwanted termination of her pregnancy. Sarah likely intended the similarity, at least subconsciously. Sarah has been shown to relive the incident with frequency.

Becca Sommers appears to be a reminder of Anne to Sarah, partially explaining why Sarah has attempted (or insinuated) damage to Jaime's sister. Sarah's behavior towards Becca seems to indicate a willingness to cause Jaime the same loss that she has had to endure.

Annie's only appearance to date was in "Sisterhood".